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Oregon Ocean Science Trust 2023 Request for Proposal

Inventory of Entities Conducting Ocean and Coastal Science, Policy, and Research in Oregon
State of the Science Report

Proposal due date: 6 August 2023, 12:00 P.M. (Noon) Pacific Time

Click here for a .pdf of the RFP

COI Form | References Form

Single Point of Contact (SPC):

Lisa DeBruyckere, OOST Contract Administrator | (503) 371-5939 

The Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST) is seeking services from a Contractor to compile an inventory of entities conducting ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon.


1.2 Description of Services Needed

The OOST is seeking services from a contractor (“Proposer”) to research, inventory, and compile entities conducting ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon. The information will be compiled into a State of the Science report that is an inventory of current ocean science, policy, and research in Oregon as well as a summary of existing and emerging/projected research and data needs.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Using a combination of surveys, interviews, directories (e.g., Adaptation Clearinghouse), existing datasets, and other information as well as established methodologies, such as snowball sampling, create and compile an inventory of entities conducting ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon. Survey individuals conducting ocean and coastal science to identify existing and emerging ocean and coastal research and data needs.

Proposers must have demonstrated excellent research, written and verbal communications skills as well as experience and expertise in Oregon and West Coast ocean and coastal science, policy, and/or research. Preference will be given to entities with proven social network analysis experience and techniques (e.g., snowball sampling).


Overall performance metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the project:

  1. A comprehensive electronic and hard copy inventory of all entities conducting ocean science, policy, and research in Oregon will be compiled.

  2. Key pieces of information about each entity including, but not limited to:

    1. Name of organization/entity

    2. Key contact information for organization and its CEO/leader

    3. Mission of organization

    4. Size of organization

    5. Description of primary activities of organization as it relates to ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon

    6. A hyperlink to the organization website

    7. The geographic extent of the organization (i.e., where it focuses its work and resources) (e.g., southern Oregon coast, entire Oregon coast, regional (Oregon, Washington, and California, or national)

    8. Governance structure of the organization

    9. Length of time the organization has been in existence.

    10. Entities’ perspectives on existing and emerging/projection ocean and coastal research and data needs

1.3 Proposed Tasks and Other Services

  • Research, inventory, and compile entities conducting ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon. (as per Section 1.2b above).

  • Produce an Oregon State of the Science report that describes:

    • the methodology used to produce the inventory;

    • the outcomes of the inventory, including information for each entity described in Section 1.2.b; and

    • a high-level summary of existing and emerging/projected ocean and coastal research and data needs (as per Section 1.2.b.x)


1.4 Qualifications

Qualified individuals should be able to demonstrate the following skills and experience:


·       Bachelor’s degree required.

·       Knowledge and track record of success conducting research, including inventories of information.

·       Ability to set and meet deadlines.

·       Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities with attention to detail.

·       Strong written and oral communication skills.

·       Proficient computer skills in Microsoft Office, including Excel.

·       Demonstrated commitment to the mission of the OOST.

·       Knowledge and experience with social network analysis methodologies, particularly relative to initial data collection (i.e., techniques to create a comprehensive list of organizations conducting ocean and coastal science, policy, and research in Oregon).

·       Knowledge of and experiencing of Oregon’s ocean and coastal science, policy, and research arenas preferred.

·       Demonstrated ability to work independently.


1.5 Evaluation Process and Award

Proposals received on time will be reviewed against the criteria described in this RFP. Proposals meeting the criteria will be forwarded to an evaluation committee that will independently score each Proposal according to the scored criteria set forth in Section 2.

The OOST may, at any time in its sole discretion, (a) provide notice to a Proposer of selection for Contract negotiation and possible award; (b) gather more information for evaluation; (c) provide notice to a Proposer(s) of non- selection; or (d) provide notification to Proposer(s) that the RFP is cancelled (and either that the RFP may be resolicited or that OOST intends to take no further action with respect to the RFP).

Information or issues revealed by a Proposer’s questions or Proposal, may, in OOST's sole discretion, trigger such modifications or further steps. If there are further steps beyond the initial Proposal and scoring, the scoring results from the first step and any subsequent step will be added together.

OOST reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals for good cause if it is in the public interest, and is not liable for any costs a Proposer incurs while preparing or presenting its Proposal or during further evaluation stages.

OOST anticipates awarding a single contract to deliver the services needed. Preference may be given to proposers with demonstrated experience and understanding of Oregon ocean and coastal science, policy, and research organizations.

2.0 Review Process

The OOST has a broad mandate to advance ocean conservation issues and other statewide ocean planning documents, for the benefit of all Oregonians. Embedded within these mandates are commitments to reach out and engage underserved and under-resourced people and communities who have not traditionally participated in ocean change issues in the past due to various barriers and perceptions, including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, language, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, or other cultural, religious, or economic status, and other considerations as listed in the 2021 Oregon Climate Equity Blueprint.

Proposals will be evaluated by a Proposal Review Team consisting of members of the OOST advisory board, ocean science and community representatives, state government agency representatives, and individuals/entities with inventory experience.


2.1 Scoring

The combined responses to the criteria in each subsection of this Section 2.0 must not exceed the allowable page limit described in Section 5.0 of this RFP. OOST will consider the pages up to that allowable number and discard all pages in excess of the allowable number.

In addition to the scored criteria in this Section 2.0, Proposers must also submit contact information for three references who can address proposer’s skill in relation to this RFP and in what capacity they can speak to the skills.

2.2 Qualifications – 30 Points Maximum

Please submit answers to each of the following:

  1. Describe your capability to begin providing the requested services no later than November 1, 2023. Include an explanation about how much Proposer is willing and able to accommodate the level of work requested and scheduling and include any limitations.

  2. Provide a resume and references for each of Proposer’s representative(s) who will be performing the services set forth within this RFP. Include education, experience, availability, and the percentage of their effort that will be provided to the OOST. Provide information that demonstrates the individual’s:

    • Knowledge and experience and experience researching and compiling inventory information.

    • Knowledge and experience with Oregon ocean and coastal science, policy, and research issues


2.3 Methodology – 30 Points Maximum

Describe the methodology you would use to achieve the deliverables described in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of this RFP, the timeline for achieving those deliverables, the individuals and organizations you might engage, and the estimated amount of time to complete each task.


2.4 Work Product – 20 Points Maximum

Provide at least two examples of products you have produced that are similar to the work described in this RFP. Describe the size and scope of each of the projects, duration, the individual’s role or responsibility, and notable results of the work. Provide hyperlinks to relevant projects.


2.5 Letters of Introduction – 10 Points Maximum

Provide a one-page personal Letter of Introduction that sets forth the following:

  • Name and contact information

  • Interest and qualifications in providing the RFP Services on behalf of the OOST

  • A description of why you believe you are qualified

  • Two examples of project approach, experience or expertise that sets you apart from others

  • Key factors for success and failure, and how you will manage these


2.6 Cost – 10 Points Maximum

  1. Proposer must provide a preferred hourly rate for the services to be provided as described in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of this RFP.



The Single Point of Contact (SPC) for this RFP is identified on the Cover Page, along with the SPC’s contact information. All inquiries, whether relating to the RFP process, administration, deadlines, award, or to the intent or technical aspects of the services must be submitted in writing by email to the SPC. All inquiries should reference the RFP number; identify Proposer’s name and contact information; and refer to the specific area of the RFP being questioned (i.e., page, section, and paragraph number if applicable).


All RFP questions must be received not later than 21 July 2023, 12:00 P.M. All questions and answers re: this RFP will be posted on the OOST website.


RFP Announcement: July 10, 2023

Deadline for RFP Questions: July 21, 2023

Proposal Due Date: August 6, 2023

Issue of Notice to Intent to Award: September 1, 2023

Project Start Date: October 1, 2023

Project Completion Date: December 1, 2023


Proposals must be received by 6 August 2023 on or before 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time. No Proposals will be accepted after this time. We are not responsible for any costs, or delays or difficulties in the transmission of any Proposal. Only electronic proposals sent by email are acceptable. Applicants should email a single PDF file version of the proposal with all materials. Proposals sent by fax, regular mail, and physical deliveries are not accepted. Proposal electronic files, when printed, must fit on 8 ½” x 11” sheets of paper.


Proposals must be organized in accordance with the list of scored criteria above and cannot exceed 10 pages, excluding the Cover Sheet (Attachment A), the requested references (Attachment B), and the requested resumes and Letters of Introduction. OOST will consider the pages up to the allowable number overall and discard all pages in excess of the allowable number.


Conflict of Interest form(s) (included in the RFP package as Appendix A) are required to be submitted (one per member of the Proposer team). You are NOT eligible if you have a current appointment to the OOST. You MAY have a conflict of interest if you had an appointment to OOST in the past.


When submitting your proposal, please reference “OOST Ocean and Coastal Inventory” in the email subject line. Proposals will be received only at the following email address:


Required Proposal Contents

Proposals must contain:

  • A Letter of Introduction not to exceed 1 page.

  • Answers to the questions in the Qualifications section (2.2) not to exceed 3 pages.

  • Proposed methodology to achieve the deliverables described in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of this RFP not to exceed 3 pages.

  • Work product examples - no length limits.

  • A cost sheet that includes the total number of hours estimated for each task in the proposed methodology (section 2.3), cost per hour, and total cost.  Cost sheet not to exceed 1 page.

  • Resume for each member of the Proposer team (maximum 2 pages for each member of team)

  • Completed COI form – Attachment A (4 pages)

  • Reference Form – Attachment B (1 page)




(c) Oregon Ocean Science Trust 2025.

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