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The Trust
The 2013 Legislature established the Oregon Ocean Science Trust and Fund through Senate Bill 747. The duties of the Trust are:
Promote peer-reviewed competitive research and monitoring that leads to increased knowledge and understanding of Oregon's ocean and coastal resources
Promote innovative, collaborate, community-oriented, multi-institutional approaches to research and monitoring related to Oregon's ocean and coastal resources
Enhance the state's capacity for peer-reviewed, scientific ocean and coastal research
Subject to available funding, establish and execute a competitive grant program to conduct research related to Oregon's ocean and coastal resources

The Department of State Lands provides facility and administrative support for Trust Meetings. The Trust receives funds through the Oregon Ocean Science Fund, which is established in the Oregon State Treasury and is separate and distinct from the General Fund and the Common School Fund. State law (196.565-570) outlines membership, duties, funding sources, and reports of the Trust.
The Trust can receive charitable donations from private individuals and organizations. Donations to the Trust can be made through our partner, Oregon Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
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