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Funded Research


Assessing Marine Reserves

In 2012, the state of Oregon created five marine reserves and designated nine adjacent marine protected areas. It mandated an independent assessment of the program in 2023. The Trust helped coordinate and solicit $156,000 for the marine reserves assessment. READ MORE >


Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia

The Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST), in consultation with the Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH Council), requested proposals for strategic research, monitoring, and communications to address ocean acidification and/or hypoxia. READ MORE >​


Nearshore Ocean and Coastal Research

In the Fall of 2022, the Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST) requested proposals to conduct science and monitoring on nearshore keystone species, including sea otters, nearshore marine ecosystems, kelp and eelgrass habitat, and sequestration of blue carbon. READ MORE >

(c) Oregon Ocean Science Trust 2025.

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