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Oregon Ocean Science Trust

Development Fundraiser Contract Position

To be considered for this contract work, you must submit your proposal through the State of Oregon e-procurement system, Oregon Buys. The bid solicitation number is S-14100-00008578. The RFP and the required attachments that must be submitted with your application are posted on Oregon Buys. Your company must have the following NIGP Codes to submit a proposal: 946-52 (grant writing services) and 946-50 (fundraising services).


1. The RFP mentions financial goals to implement $2-3 million in annual grant programs. Does that mean that OOST wants to raise $2-3 million, or that OOST already has these funds to support its grants program?

Answer: The OOST has received funding in the past from the Oregon Legislature to support 2 rounds of $1 million in ocean and coastal research funding. During years when there is legislative support for this funding, whatever amount is received by the Legislature will be included in the overall $2-3 million annual goal.


2. The RFP mentions strengthening relations with major donors and other contributors. Does OOST currently have major donors or funders beyond the State of Oregon?

Answer: In 2023, the OOST received a 3-year capacity building grant to expand its communications and outreach to Oregonians as well as diversity its funding portfolio. The OOST seeks to solicit federal funding as well as funding from other private donors, etc.


3. Has OOST worked with a fundraising consultant in the past?

Answer: No.


4. Who will be the lead staff for this consultancy?
Answer: The OOST Operations and Program Manager will be the lead contact for the contractor and will assist with connecting the fundraising consultant to OOST Board members.


5. Do you prefer to work with a consultant based in Oregon?

Answer: The OOST recognizes that Oregon's ocean is a part of the much larger California Current system, and that Oregon shares many interests relative to ocean and coastal health, science, and research with Washington and California. Entities in neighboring states have demonstrated past support for ocean initiatives in Oregon. Therefore, the contractor could make a case for a remote location on the West Coast provided there was a strategic game plan for engaging Oregon entities and Oregon legislators.


6. The RFP does not have working links for the RFP attachments. Can you provide correct attachment links?
Answer: Oregon Buys, the e-procurement site hosting the RFP, works best with the Chrome internet browser. In the event prospective contractors experience issues with the RFP attachments, they have been provided here:

Attachment A | Attachment B | Attachment C | Attachment D | Attachment E | Attachment F


7. I was able to find the RFP on, and found the bid number there.  But the RFP doesn’t explain how I apply through the Oregon Buys website.  Do I email the proposal + attachments to your email?  Or how do I apply? See page 8 of the proposal: When submitting your proposal, please reference “OOST Development Fundraiser” in the email subject line. Proposals will be received only at the following email address: You must be registered in the Oregon Buys system, but you can send the proposal to the email address.

8. The RFP indicates a preference for CFRE or ACFRE certified (p. 7).  I have significant fundraising experience but am not CFRE/ACFRE certified.  Is that OK? Yes, the RFP states there is a "preference," not that it is mandatory.


9. Does OOST have any current grant reports due (RFP p. 6).  If so, when are they due? No

10. What database do you currently use for donors, gift acknowledgement, and gift processing (RFP p. 6)? We do not have a donor database. We need to establish one.

The deadline to submit a proposal is  November 30, 2023 at noon Pacific Time.


The single point of contact for this RFP is Lisa DeBruyckere, OOST Contract Administrator,, (503) 371-5939.



The Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST) is seeking services from a Development Fundraiser to develop and implement a fundraising plan/strategy for the Oregon Ocean Science Trust.  The estimated budget for this FTE equivalent contract is $95,000/12 months (with the option to renew annually for an additional 2 years). 







PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: DECEMBER 30, 2026 (if renewed annually for two additional years)



The SPC for this RFP is Lisa DeBruyckere, (503) 371-5939,  Proposer shall direct all communications related to any provision of the RFP only to the SPC, whether about the technical requirements of the RFP, contractual requirements, the RFP process, or any other provision.




The OOST is seeking services from a development fundraiser (“Proposer”) to achieve OOST financial goals that will provide OOST with the resources to implement a $2–3 million annual funding competitive grant program to address Oregon’s ocean and coastal research priorities. Proposers must have excellent written and verbal communications skills and a minimum of five years professional fundraising experience. Proposers must have an understanding of Oregon state agency government budgeting as well as experience working with the Oregon legislative budget process. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • lead  the expansion and diversity of OOST’s funding portfolio by developing and implementing a fundraising plan for the OOST;

  • work with OOST operational/program coordinator;  

  • coordinate and collaborate with OOST communications consultant to ensure the key components of interest to potential funders are shared broadly across OOST platforms (e.g., website, social media, one-pagers, etc.);  

  • identify a diversity of key potential funders, including private individuals and foundations, as well as State and Federal funding sources, to support OOST’s grant programs;  

  • engage with potential funders and develop and submit grant proposals on behalf of the OOST;  

  • monitor grant proposal submissions through to completion.  


Overall performance metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the development fundraiser include:

a. Completion of a fundraising plan with specific deliverables and target financial goals, timeline, and performance metrics to evaluate success of implementation. 

b. Availability of $2–3 million annually for OOST competitive grant program to address Oregon’s ocean and coastal research priorities by July of 2026. 



Proposer shall serve as the primary front-line fundraiser and development strategies for OOST. Tasks include:

  • Lead traditional fundraising activities.  

  • Develop and implement an annual fund development plan and strategies to meet fundraising goals.

  • Identify, cultivate, secure, retain, and strengthen relationships with giving contributors, major donors, donor prospects, State and Federal decision makers and other supporters.

  • Assure the timely submission of legislative concepts, letters of inquiry, grant proposals, and grant reports.

  • Increase the awareness of the importance and urgency for ocean and coastal science generally, and the OOST funding priorities specifically, among the State legislature, Oregon’s Federal congressional delegation, donors, and the general public through  coordination and collaboration with OOST Board, OOST communication and operations contractors, and Oregon Community Foundation .

  • Create, grow, and maintain relationships and partnerships with stakeholders, including but not limited to academic, agency, conservation, and tribal partners,  interested in supporting ocean and coastal research in Oregon.

  • Assure timely notice to Department of State Lands staff regarding grant proposals and award timelines.

  • Work with the OOST Chair, Board, staff, and contractors to maintain and strengthen a culture of philanthropy and the fulfillment of their fund development duties.

  • Provide development status summary and update reports quarterly.

  • Assist communications contractor in the development of OOST marketing and promotional materials.

  • Oversee donor and gift record-keeping, maintenance of the donor database, gift acknowledgements, and gift processing.

  • Assist OOST Board, staff, and contractors with financial compliance, reporting, and auditing activities to ensure the financial integrity and viability of the OOST.  

  • Promote, communicate, and help achieve OOST’s mission. 

Other Services

  • Upon request, Proposer will provide services for additional development support related to OOST programs and activities.

  • In addition to negotiations over the tasks proposed in this RFP, the OOST reserves the right to amend the resulting contract to include additional time and reasonably related services, dependent on need and approved budget, without conducting further solicitation activities.

  • All proposed development services and work will be subject to review and approval by the OOST and will become property of the OOST.


Qualified individuals should be able to demonstrate the following skills and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree required; CFRE or ACFRE certification preferred.

  • At least five years professional fundraising experience; demonstrated experience raising funds and managing awards and donations from foundations, government agencies, corporations, major donors, and individual contributors. Experience with federal grants preferred.

  • Ability to set and meet deadlines.

  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities with attention to detail.

  • Strong written and oral communication skills.

  • Proficient computer skills in Microsoft Office, fund development and donor database software.

  • Demonstrated commitment to the mission of the OOST.

  • Knowledge of and experiencing working on ocean and coastal issues preferred.

  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and with a team. 


Supplemental Background Information

Senate Bill 737, enacted in the 2013 Oregon Legislative session, created the Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST). It’s five-member board, appointed by the State Land Board, was given mandates to:

  • Promote peer-reviewed, competitive research and monitoring that leads to increased knowledge and understanding of Oregon’s ocean and coastal resources;

  • Promote innovative, collaborative, community-oriented, multi-institutional approaches to research and monitoring related to Oregon’s ocean and coastal resources;

  • Enhance this state’s capacity for peer-reviewed scientific ocean and coastal research; and

  • Subject to available funding, establish and execute a competitive grant program to conduct research and monitoring related to Oregon’s ocean and coastal resources. 


Ocean and coastal research projects funded by the OOST include:

  • The OOST helped coordinate and solicit $156,000 for a marine reserves assessment conducted by Dr. Wilson White at Oregon State University. The assessment was intended to determine 1) if Oregon’s marine reserves and associated marine protected areas were effectively designed and implemented to achieve their original goals, and 2) if the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife successfully executed the legislative mandates regarding reserve implementation.

  • In 2021, House Bill 3114 provided $1 million to support ocean acidification and hypoxia research. The OOST conducted a competitive Request for Proposal process and awarded funding for seven projects:

    • Intertidal ocean acidification monitoring in Oregon's marine reserves.

    • A subtidal ocean acidification and hypoxia monitoring network at Oregon marine reserves

    • Marine Science Center Climate Monitoring Station

    • Evaluating the interaction of water quality and eelgrass in Coos Bay, Oregon using a biophysical model

    • Science-based best management practices for co-management of Oregon submerged aquatic vegetation and shellfish.

    • Olympia oyster growth and survival with climate change: space for time field experiments

    • Oregon ocean acidification and hypoxia messaging campaign

  • In 2022, House Bill 5202 provided $1 million to support science and monitoring on nearshore keystone species, including sea otters, nearshore marine ecosystems, kelp and eelgrass habitat, and sequestration of blue carbon. The OOST conducted a competitive Request for Proposal process and awarded funding for six projects:

    • Seafloor mapping of nearshore habitats of the Rogue River Reef Complex

    • Kelp communities in transition: A spatial mosaic among changing populations of bull kelp, sea urchins, and sea stars within rocky reef habitats along the southern Oregon coast

    • The missing link: Quantifying juvenile dynamics of key commercially and recreationally important fishes along Oregon's nearshore

    • Do tipping points loom? Extending 20+ years of long-term monitoring to assess impacts of climate change on rocky shore macrophyte assemblages.

    • Trophic modeling of Oregon's nearshore reefs

    • Oregon nearshore data management, portals, and hubs assessment

  • In 2022, OOST launched a new website ( to share its mission, accomplishments, and progress in achieving its statutory mandates and vision. In 2023, OOST created a 5-year action plan, of which the concept to contract with a communications consultant, was incorporated.


(c) Oregon Ocean Science Trust 2025.

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